Weblog | Archives for September 2001
Past posts.
BoyScout – a tracker for

BoyScout – a tracker for Gameboy Advance songs. It's a nifty program, good for the novice tracker and for making oldschool-ish samples. I'll be working on some new material soon.

This was my third day

This was my third day as an English tutor, and the first day I've had eight hours of student sessions straight. Probably not the best placement for a computer science major with an inadvertent minor in math. It's a rewarding job, so far.

A rotation animation of a DLA model is up. A growth video has been finished as well, but it's impossible to compress it to a reasonable size without losing all detail.

Last night's Cowboy Bebop episodes on Adult Swim were excellent. Since they skipped Session 6, you might want to view it at AnimePioneer. (They have episodes 1-11, English subtitles, and somewhat poor video quality) Don't pirate, just watch.

I'll remember most how this

I'll remember most how this event changed our perspective. The individual passions and daily drama we'd been living only moments before seemed so worthless. The feeling was everywhere, online and on television.

I had hoped people would wonder if this is what it's like daily in the Middle East and elsewhere. Instead we've been drawn into their same situation and taken on their image — irresponsible grabs for attention by politicians and other figures, a frightened majority calling for more violence, and an administration doing its best to keep the people satisfied while also doing what's right.

I've been proud too; there are countless heroes to be thanked. The crisis has, at least, brought us closer together. From here, I move on.

Nothing has ever affected me

Nothing has ever affected me like today's news. I was on my way to school, and the public radio station reported an accident at the WTC. Soon after, it became a coordinated strike on our country. I'm afraid for what the future will bring, but was proud to see how my own small community came together.

Artbyte Magazine just sent me

Artbyte Magazine just sent me a free copy of the latest issue, and it's fantastic. They've managed to touch on quite a few interesting projects I'd heard of but not explored: collaborative object-oriented music making with Max/MSP, the "Silophone" installation, the DialTones telesymphony, and even a feature on Matmos! These articles make up about 1/3 of the mag, and the rest is great.

It's been a little over

It's been a little over a month, and the new site is finally up. Back to regular updates, with a smooth new format. As you can see, I ditched the magazine concept completely - it wasn't right. From now on, my own content is on the right and notes on external content are part of this weblog. Blah blah.

Behind the scenes: a lot of sloppy but lightweight PHP. I overshot my September 1st deadline by coding my own text-based database, instead of begging my admin to install some SQL. Not smart.